Homemade Hamon De Bola

Learn how to cook hamon de bola glazed with honey and pine apple syrup.
To make hamon de bola: in a mixing bowl combine brown sugar, salt and pine apple juice, mix well. Add the pork pigue and massage. Marinate overnight or at least 8 hours. After marinating remove the pork from the marinade and wrap it with a cheese cloth to form a round shape ham. Prepare a large steamer and steam the ham for 2 hours or until internal temperature reaches 155°F. For the honey-pineapple glaze, in a small pot combine honey, sugar and pine apple juice. Simmer until all sugar is completely dissolve and consistency becomes syrupy and thick. Once the ham is cooked, remove the cheese cloth and brush with your prepared honey-pineapple glaze. And you're done!

Serve: 10
1 kg Pork Pigue
1 1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 tbsp + 1 tsp Rock Salt
2 cups Pineapple Juice

For the glaze
1/4 cup Honey
2 tbsp White Sugar
1/4 cup Pineapple Juice


  1. First remove the excess fat of the pork to have a good quality ham.
  2. In a mixing bowl combine brown sugar, salt and pine apple juice, mix well. Add the pork pigue and massage. Marinate overnight or at least 8 hours.
  3. After marinating remove the pork from the marinade and wrap it with a cheese cloth to form a round shape ham.
  4. Prepare a large steamer and steam the ham for 2 hours or until internal temperature reaches 155°F.
  5. For the honey-pineapple glaze, in a small pot combine honey, sugar and pine apple juice. Simmer until all sugar is completely dissolve and consistency becomes syrupy and thick.
  6. Once the ham is cooked, remove the cheese cloth and brush with your prepared honey-pineapple glaze.
  7. And you're done!



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